With Office tables, you can work with the Word table formatting and styles that you are accustomed to. Office tables look and feel like part of the Word document, but the members and data in the table cells are connected to the Smart View provider. When you refresh an Office table, both members and data are refreshed. Office tables display results in native Microsoft Office table format. Office tables can be used with Word only. To format a function grid, use Excel formatting capabilities. This permits retention of the formula when refreshing the data results in a different number of rows in the grid. To retain such formulas as part of the function grid, you must leave one empty row between the grid and the cell containing the formula and include the empty row in the range of cells selected for the formula definition. You can use Excel formulas, for example SUM, with function grids. Although you can have multiple reports on a worksheet, you can have only one function grid. For reports whose members may change more often, tables and charts are better report types. For this reason, function grids are most useful for reports in which members remain reasonably static. To refresh both data and members, you must reinsert the function grid into the sheet. When you refresh a function grid, data cells are refreshed members are not.